"Follow an adapted diet and consult nutritional information"
FrenchDiet elaborates a personalized diet thanks to which you will improve your state of health, having to consult previously the nutritional information of each food to understand exactly what it is that you ingest daily. The program also calculates both your current BMI and the ideal BMI you would end up with when you plan your system and can track your progress with the reports it generates.
Before shaping a special diet for you, the software invites you to add the necessary data, from your age and gender to your current height and weight. Based on all the information you have entered, you can create the best possible diet by providing information about the various foods that will be part of it, which will prevent you from exceeding or falling short of your daily calorie count.
FrenchDiet integrates a calculation module that it uses to determine the BMI, indicating the ideal weight you should have and that, by staying firm with the diet, you will be able to reach without too many difficulties. Additionally, the program offers you important reports that detail everything from weight curves to macronutrients ingested.